Terms & Conditions
General Terms
Omniere Academy provides training to students in a variety of ways designed to be flexible and engage students in mediums where they can learn to the best of their potential. This document outlines the terms and conditions for each method of training delivery.
In Person Training
In person training is delivered physically from our campus by tutors in closed fixed size groups. This training where appropriate may be supplemented with online training courses as a part of its curriculum.
Where an in person training course has online training supplementing it, this is required to be completed prior to attendance of the physical training parts of the course. Failure to complete the online training for your training course will require your in person training to be rescheduled to a later date with a £100 administration fee chargeable to reschedule the training.
Accreditation will only be complete once all course modules and parts are completed.
Virtual Training
Virtual training is delivered to students through the use of webinars and/or live video calls. This training where appropriate may be supplemented with physical or online training courses as a part of its curriculum. Accreditation will only be complete once all course modules and parts are completed.
Online Training
Online training is delivered via our e-learning platform and is delivered fully online with self-directed student learning. Accreditation is fulfilled automatically through the online platform.
Administration Fees
At the point of your enrolment onto a course you will be charged an administration fee to secure your place on the selected course or courses. This administration fee is £100 per training course you have elected to enrol onto.
Administration fees are non-refundable in any circumstance.
Amendments to enrolments within 14 days of course start dates will incur an additional administration fee charge for each amendment made to the students training course arrangements.
Enrolment on to training courses where appropriate will require a deposit to be paid. Deposits will be charged at 10% of the total training cost or £100 per training course included in an enrolment, whichever is greater of which £100 per training course will be your administration fee payments.
Course Fees
Course fees are required to be paid, or have finance funding in place, in full no later than 14 days before the first scheduled course date in your training programme. Failure to settle your balance up to this point will result in cancellation of your training arrangements and your removal from the training course.
Students have the right to cancel their attendance on a course at any point with the following terms and conditions:
If the scheduled course date is 14 or more days from the date notice of cancellation is served
The student can reschedule their training dates without charge
The student can request a refund (minus administration fee charges)
If the scheduled course date is within 14 days from the date notice of cancellation is served
The student can reschedule their training dates with a new administration fee charge of £100
The student is not eligible for a refund of paid training fees
Failure To Attend
Students that fail to attend their scheduled training, or students that attend for part but not all of their training, will have their training cancelled and all paid fees retained and non-refundable.
Right To Cancel
Omniere Academy reserves the right to cancel, reschedule or modify onsite training courses at any time providing students with, where possible, a minimum 48 hours notice of such cancellation or amendment to their training. In certain unforeseen circumstances less notice could be provided, however all other alternative options would be exhausted prior to providing cancellation notice within 48 hours of a training date.
Omniere Academy does not accept any liability to individual students costs with regards to attendance of onsite training courses, irrespective of costs incurred due to cancellation or scheduling amendments to their training.
As per the other clauses in these terms and conditions, refunds for in-person training course fees (minus administration fees) would only be permitted in the following circumstances:
The notice of refund has 14 or more days before the scheduled start date of the training course
No costs have been incurred by Omniere Academy in arrangement of the training for the student
Upon completion of your training you will be provided with your accredited certificate. This certificate is a digital certificate in PDF format. It will automatically be emailed to your registered account email once your course has been successfully completed.
Students will receive an accredited E–Certificate with all purchased online courses.
All of our courses are accredited by The CPD Consultants; students will receive CPD points with all of our CPD courses. Exact amount can be found on the course information page and supporting course documentation provided after enrolment.
If you would like a hard copy of your accredited certificate, you can purchase one at an additional cost of £9.99. To request this, you can email contact@drvincentwong.com to purchase an additional certificate.
Models for Assessment
It is the student's responsibility to arrange a model for assessments required for their training courses. In some cases, we have a model list that we can reach out to and promote the treatments to; however, we cannot always guarantee a model for your assessment therefore securing a model for your assessment, which can be family or friend, is important. The treatment for them will be complimentary.
Course Kits
Course Kits are optionally included with specific courses and are available as paid add ons to some courses. Whether a course kit is included or not is clearly stated on the website and in choices available when checking out your purchase. Students can also purchase kits if the course they are purchasing does not include a kit.
Name change
We can only change the name on the certificate up until the course has been finalised and a certificate issued and there is a reasonable explanation for why it needs to be changed. This prevents multiple downloads of different names on any one individual's certificate that has only been purchased once.
International students
Beauty service regulations differ between countries, and it is the student’s responsibility to check the requirements necessary to practice in the country that they reside. Omniere Academy is not responsible for meeting any regulations that individuals need to comply with regarding their own country’s insurance and standards.
Once qualified students are responsible for acquisition of their own insurance. Omniere Academy can provide referrals to students to insurance brokers. Students will not hold liable any inability to acquire insurance against Omniere Academy.
All training manuals, materials, pictures, videos or any website content and anything you receive from us is the sole property of Omniere Academy and any attempt to copy or use without our consent or share any part of our material with any third party will be prosecuted. You cannot publish nor share any of our training manuals, materials, pictures, or videos through any medium without our consent nor can you share it with anyone else.
Amendments to terms and conditions for Online-only training
Course fees and/or administration fees are non-refundable in any circumstance once a purchase for an online training course has been completed.
Amendments to terms and conditions for Virtual training
Virtual training is delivered at fixed times for fixed duration training sessions. Omniere Academy is not liable in any form for a student's experience or success on the training course due to issues with student internet connections or reliability.
Amendments to purchases of training packages
When purchasing a training package, this will contain a number of training courses included within it. From the date of purchase, you will have 12 months to successfully complete the training courses included within your package.
Omniere Academy offers significantly discounted treatments to model clients in order to support the delivery of training in order for students to gain practical experience in their training.
These sessions are offered at discounted rates with the following terms and conditions, which you agree to when placing a model booking:
Each model session can be delivered by either a tutor or a student under tutor supervision at Omniere Academy's discretion.
By placing a model booking Omniere Academy provides no guarantee or assurance that the booking will proceed as this is subject to training needs. By placing a model booking this is provisional up until it has been confirmed by a member of the Omniere Academy team. By placing a model booking the scheduled date and time of the booking is subject to change to align with training requirements.
Where appropriate model requests for treatment of specific areas or regions will be considered at Omniere Academy's discretion.
By placing a model session booking you agree, consent and waive any right to refund of model fees, except in the event where the session is cancelled by Omniere Academy.
Non-attendance to your scheduled model session will result in cancellation and forfeit of any fees paid for the session in which you failed to attend.
Each model is required to and provides consent and an irrevocable license to use any and all photos/videos/digital media captured in their model session for training, advertising, and marketing purposes. In addition, you waive any rights to inspect or approve photos/videos/digital media used for training, advertising, and marketing purposes.
Omniere Academy reserves the right to cancel model bookings at any time without the need to provide an explanation.
Promotional Offers
Periodically Omniere Academy provides promotional offers and packages delivering higher levels of value for money invested in your training. These offers have the following terms:
Discount codes cannot be used against training courses which are already advertised at a discounted price.
Discount codes are not valid to be used against packages or bundles of training.
Discount codes are only valid against non-discounted standalone training courses.
Discount codes are not valid to be used against starter or training kits.